Undergraduate and 5-year or 6-year postgraduate degrees

In order to matriculate for an undergraduate degree or a 5-year or 6-year postgraduate degree, you must have obtained an upper secondary school leaving qualification (even a four-year diploma, allowing enrolment in a university course) or other foreign qualifications recognized as suitable.
If you hold a four-year upper secondary school leaving qualification, the course council defines the extent of the educational debt corresponding to the non-attendance of the supplementary year; the discharge of the debt, which will be subject to specific verification, must be completed before the conclusion of university studies.
If you hold a foreign qualification, consult the indications on the page International degree seeking students. If you need support, contact the International Students Office.

In order to matriculate in degree courses with free admission and in the 5-year or 6-year podtgraduate degree you must sit the TARM (Test for the Assessment of Minimum Requirements), provided by means of the TOLC test of the CISIA consortium.

An admission test is foreseen for undergraduate degrees and for 5-year or 6-year postgraduate degrees with a restricted number of places, given the limited number of places available. In this case you must register online for the admission competition, according to the procedures and within the deadlines indicated in the relating admission notices. Only if you pass the test, you can matriculate always following carefully the procedures and deadlines that are foreseen in the calls for admission.
Find out how to register for the admission competition: