UNITA Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme

According to the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme and in order to pursue the innovative objectives set by UNITA - Universitas Montium Alliance, the University of Turin promotes and supports outgoing Erasmus+ blended intensive mobilities.
Erasmus Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) allow HEI students to carry out an internationalization experience that combines short-term physical mobility abroad with a compulsory virtual component.
The UNITA Erasmus BIPs aim at bringing together groups of students from at least three higher education institutions belonging to the UNITA - Universitas Montium alliance.
The call UNITA Blended Intensive Programme a.y. 2024-2025 is open to students enrolled in any field and cycle of studies (BA, MA, PhD), to carry out a short-term physical mobility abroad combined with a compulsory virtual component during their University career.
UniTo students can apply online by authenticating with your credentials on your personal MyUniTo page – "Iscrizioni" – "Bando mobilità internazionale" – "BIP Call 2024".
- Intercomprehension for Languages for Specific Purposes (Romania – West University of Timisoara)
Duration of the physical mobility: 24/03/2025 – 28/03/2025
Virtual component: 04/03/2025, 08/03/2025, 11/03/2024
Language: Italian/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Romanian - Interculturalidad (France – Université Savoie Mont Blanc)
Duration of the physical mobility: 07/04/2025 – 11/04/2025
Virtual component: 24/03/2025-13/02/2025
Language: Spanish - Relax to wellness (Portugal – Instituto Politecnico da Guarda)
Duration of the physical mobility: 07/04/2025 – 11/04/2025
Virtual component: 27/01/2025-13/02/2025
Language: English - Method of learning styles for primary, secondary and higher education - REAPSES (Spain – Universidad de Zaragoza)
Duration of the physical mobility: 05/05/2025 – 09/05/2025
Virtual component: 03/04/2025-03/05/2025
Language: English - Forest management and biodiversity conservation (Romania – Transilvania University of Brasov)
Duration of the physical mobility: 26/05/2025 – 30/05/2025
Virtual component: 08/05/2025
Language: English - Project Management within the European Business Environment (Romania – Transilvania University of Brasov)
Duration of the physical mobility: 09/06/2025 – 13/06/2025
Virtual component: 04/06/2025-20/06/2025
Language: English - Impressions pyrénéennes: écrire le voyage en Europe (France – Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour)
Duration of the physical mobility: 10/06/2025 – 14/06/2025
Virtual component: 16/06/2025, 19/06/2025
Language: English and French - History, culture and traditions of mountain areas (Romania – Transilvania University of Brasov)
Duration of the physical mobility: 16/06/2025 – 20/06/2025
Virtual component: 27/05/2025 - 13/06/2025
Language: English and French - Gene and Cell-based therapy (Portugal – Universidade da Beira Interior)
Duration of the physical mobility: 30/06/2025 – 04/07/2025
Virtual component: 09/05/2025 - 30/05/2025
Language: English
The University of Turin organized between June and July 2024 the following BIPs:
- One step beyond: an entrepreneurial course within the UNITA alliance
- Intercomprehension for Specific Purposes: Tourism in Rural Areas
- Italian Language Course (A1-A2) for staff and teachers
- Beyond Borders: Migrations, Identities, Languages.
The complete list of upcoming BIPs organised by UniTo will be available in early 2025.
Students from one of the UNITA university partners who are interested in participating can apply through specific calls launched by their home universities.