
Recognition of foreign degrees

With the ratification of the Lisbon Convention, as determined by Law n. 148 of 11 July, 2002, the concept of recognition according to the purpose was introduced in Italy.

If you hold a foreign degree and would like to apply for its recognition, first it is indeed necessary to clarify the objective for which a recognition is requested. In order to start the correct procedure depending on your objective (work, public competition, study, etc.), please visit the dedicated webpage on CIMEA's website.


If you hold a foreign diploma and wish to enrol in an undergraduate degree program or 5-6-year postgraduate degree program, or if you hold a foreign degree and wish to enrol in a postgraduate degree program, please follow the application procedure for international students

If you hold a foreign degree and wish to apply to obtain the corresponding Italian degree, please refer to the instructions below.

Italian citizens, EU citizens and Non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy

Before applying for the recognition, first look at the degree programs offered by the University of Turin in order to choose the degree program whose study plan and syllabus are similar to the degree program you attended abroad. The study plan of each degree program is available on the degree program website.


The choice of the degree program is your sole responsibility and the International Students Desk cannot interfere nor give specific suggestions on which program to choose. If you think that more than one degree program offered by UniTo may be suitable to apply for, you may submit more than one recognition request, by paying the required fee for each request.


You can send your requests with the dedicated online procedure from 10th February  to 10th April 2025.


The necessary documents to apply for the recognition are the following. 

  1. ID card or passport, Italian tax code (“codice fiscale”) and residence permit
  2. high school diploma. Candidates holding an Italian diploma may provide a self-declaration of the diploma
    • if you obtained your high school diploma after less than 12 years of schooling, the missing years of studying will be filled with the first years of university
    • for the degree programs in Medicina e chirurgia, Medicine and surgery and Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria we will not accept recognition requests of candidates  that don’t have at least 12 years of schooling + 6 years of university. In this case you can directly apply to the call for application to the second year onwards of the School of Medicine.
  3. foreign degree, provided with a proof of authenticity.
    If you apply for the recognition of a postgraduate degree program, please upload also your undergraduate degree 
  4. degree program transcript of records with a proof of authenticity, including marks and ECTS assigned to each exam or diploma supplement with a proof of authenticity.

    If you apply for the recognition of a postgraduate degree, please upload also your certified copy of the undergraduate degree transcript of records with a proof of authenticity or your diploma supplement with a proof of authenticity

  5. degree program syllabus issued by the foreign Institution/University, provided with translation into Italian or English. As an alternative you can upload into your recognition request the degree program syllabus available on your University website and include in your application the links where the International Students Desk may verify the attached syllabus
  6. a document explaining the grading system of your foreign university provided with translation into Italian or English. If the grading system is clearly explained in your transcript of records or in another document already attached in the online procedure, you don’t need a separate document

  7. recognition of foreign careers form (either in Word  or Open Office format) duly filled in and signed
  8. if you apply for the recognition of a postgraduate degree you can upload a copy of your degree thesis, translated into Italian or English (optional)
  9. declaration of equal value or statement of comparability issued by CIMEA of your foreign degree (optional).


Study documents have to be provided with a certified translation into Italian or English and a proof of authenticity (as indicated in the page Required documents for international students - paragraph “Study documents verification - Proof of authenticity”).


Study documents issued in Italian, English, French or Spanish don’t need to be translated, except the syllabus. Syllabus is accepted only in Italian or English.


The University reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to request further documents if necessary for evaluating your educational background.


Once your application has been received and checked by the International Students Desk. If the recognition request is complete, you will receive instructions to pay the required € 300 non-refundable fixed fee (excluding any bank charges) and € 16 stamp duty for each recognition request, as stated in the Tuition fee regulation. If you hold international protection you have to pay only the € 16 stamp duty for each recognition request.


Upon payment of the required fee the recognition request is accepted and the International Students Desk submit it to the evaluation of the competent Board of Professors. If the recognition request is not complete, the International Students Desk will ask you to upload all missing documents within a given deadline. 


Once your recognition request has been submitted, please regularly check your inbox since the offices or the Professors who manage your recognition request may contact you by email for further information or clarifications.

Non-EU citizens residing abroad

Non-EU citizens residing abroad can apply for the recognition through the competent Italian Embassy/Consulate in the country where the foreign degree was obtained.

The necessary documents to apply for the recognition, the application period and the guidelines to follow are the same as the ones stated for Italian citizens, EU citizens and Non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy.

Outcome of the recognition

 If you obtain total recognition of your foreign degree, you will be awarded the equivalent Italian degree upon payment of a € 200 fixed fee.


If you obtain a partial recognition of your foreign degree and you wish to enrol at the University of Turin to obtain the equivalent Italian degree, you should enrol with a career shortening (“abbreviazione di carriera") and take the admission exam, if required by the degree program you chose. 
The recognition outcome is valid for the academic year you asked the recognition for only, therefore you will have to enrol in the same academic year as your request and no validity extension to future academic years can be granted. 

Under some specific conditions, such as substancial differences between your foreign study plan and syllabus and the chosen degree program offered by UniTo or for other reasons, the evaluation of your request may result in a recognition denial, which will be detailed in the competent Department resolution.