Support for students with disability in taking exams
In order to take the exams, it is possible to adapt the learning and evaluation modalities, according to Laws 104/92 and 17/99, without prejudice of the educational aims.
In the university field, for all kinds of assessment (exams, mid-term exams etc.) it is possible to request, for example:
- change from written exams to oral exams (or vice-versa)
- 50% of extra time for written exams
- employment of PC for writing (the supply of the device will be agreed with the teacher)
- support in reading/writing
- sign language interpreter/mediator
- other aids/needs according to your certified difficulties (if you ask for formularies or conceptual maps, you have to send those instruments to Professors with the individual supporto request form, in order for them to assess their structures and contents).
In order to benefit from these supports it is mandatory to send your certification to this office.
If you enrolled for the first time in UniTo from the academic year 2023-2024 onwards, you must also possess the "A TU PER TU" document, following the path indicated on the dedicated webpage:
At the beginning of every course, you can talk with the teachers to describe your educational needs for the lessons and before the exams.
In order to take the exams with the support of compensatory instruments and/or dispensatory measures, about 15 working days before the date of the exam, you must:
- send an email to the teacher, inserting the address [email protected] as copy (cc.)
- attach to your email the individual support request form for exams, duly filled in. You don’t have to attach your certificate of invalidity/disability
- the teacher will verify your request according to your difficulties, but also to the specific educational aims of the course.
The University of Turin, after the resolution of the Academic Senate number 8/2023/IV/3 of 26th April 2023, modified with the resolution of the Academic Senate number 8/2024/IV/6 of 22nd April 2024, has established the possibility to request remote exams, graduations and state exams until new dispositions will be fixed. The service is for students with temporary or permanent, severe health problems, which make extremely difficult or impossible the attendance at the university and that are certified by a general practitioner or by a specialized doctor recognized by the Italian NHS or similar (for international students – in these cases the documents should be written or officially translated in Italian or English).
These are the steps for requesting remote exams:
- the student must send the request to this Office, attaching the health certifications, provided that the office does not hold them yet<
- the requests will be evaluated by a specific Medical Commission, that, in case of approval, will also establish the period of the validity for the authorization
- when considered necessary on individual basis, the Medical Commission might request to release further documents that certify the impossibility to attend in presence the educational activities. The documents must be accompanied with the related health justification and the period of validity of such prescription
- within 15 days from the reception of the request or of the supplementary documents, the result of the evaluation will be sent to the student from this office
- in case of approval, the student will receive the specific written authorization
- in order to take each remote exam, at least 10 days before the dates of the exams, students must inform the teachers of each relating course, about the request, attaching that authorization
- in order to take the graduation exam, students must inform, at least 15 days before the date of the exam, the Didactic Office of the relating department
- in order to take state exams, students must inform, at least 5 days before the date of the exams, the competent office or the exam Commision.