
A tu per tu: welcome and supports for the attendance and exams for freshers with disability

All the students with disability, both those students who attend the courses in the central and in the peripheral venues, can benefit from the dedicated support services, and from modifications of the learning modality and evaluation, according to laws 104/92 and 17/99, without prejudice of the educational aims.


From the academic year 2023-2024, a new instrument was created to help you evaluate and request specific needs for studying, attending courses and during exams. This instrument is called A TU PER TU – Individual UniTo agreement for university supports (A TU PER TU - Accordo individualizzaTo in Unito PER i supportTi Universitari).


This is a recap document, edited in collaboration with the Students with Disability and SLD Office and issued to you, which contains the list of the support services from which you can benefit, along with the compensatory instruments and dispensatory measures that you can request during the exam. You must always use this document when contacting the teachers.


In order to obtain the A TU PER TU document, you must send an email to [email protected], containing:

  • your certificate of invalidity and/or disability, according to law 104/92 (when it has not been submitted for the admission exam yet)
  • fill in the taking charge form
  • wait for the appointment for an interview, that will be given to you


For information related to the typology of support services, consult the webpage Services for students with disability.

How to request compensatory instruments and dispensatory measures for the exams

At the beginning of every course, you can talk with the teachers to describe your educational needs for the lessons and for the exams.


In order to take the exams with the support of compensatory instruments and/or dispensatory measures, about 15 working days before the date of the exam, you must:

  • send an email to the teacher, inserting the address [email protected] as copy (cc.)
  • attach to your email the A TU PER TU document, filling in the specific attachment with the requirement for each exam. You don’t have to attach your certificate of invalidity/disability.

The teacher will verify your request, according to your difficulties, but also to the specific educational aims of the course.