
Courses and exams

Course catalogue

All information about the scheduling, content, language of instruction, credits, online registration and teaching method of each course is available on individual Departments and Degree Programs’ webpages:


The course catalogue and timetable are generally updated starting from July each year, so bear in mind that courses listed may be subject to change and may no longer run for the next academic year.


General courses calendar:

  • first semester: mid-September - mid December
  • second semester: mid- February – end of May.
Learning Agreement – Study plan

The Learning Agreement – Study Plan is the document listing all the courses you wish to attend and sit exams for during your mobility period. This document has to be approved and signed by your home University and your relevant Exchange Coordinator or office at UniTo. It is compulsory for Erasmus students. Global exchange students are recommended to have one as a general plan on what to study at UniTO (no particular template is required).


The deadline to have your Learning Agreement – Study Plan signed depends from your home university schedule. However, both institutions must approve any changes well before the start of the exam sessions at UniTo.


Erasmus+ Online Learning Agreement (OLA): at the moment our system is not fully connected to the OLA EWP network. During this phase, incoming students must send their Learning Agreement by email to each relevant Professor or office for approval. Learning Agreements sent via EWP OLA will not be processed.<

Who signs and approves your Learning Agreement at UniTo

All other students can find contact details below:


Online courses plan (piano carriera)

In order to take exams and register results it is compulsory to complete and submit a courses plan (piano carriera) in your MyUniTo personal page. In your Piano Carriera you will need to include all the courses listed in your Learning Agreement – Study Plan. 


The online courses plan (piano carriera) procedure is different from the registration to courses on campusnet/moodle. The piano carriera is the only way to register for exams and record your grades and it is always compulsory, while the registration on campusnet/moodle may be optional. Please read the course webpage carefully for instructions.

Exams (Appelli)

Exam sessions are called "Appelli". To sit an exam, you must register online choosing from a range of dates available in each exam session. For further information, please read: 


General exams calendar:

  • first semester: January – February
  • second semester: June – July; September


Transcript of records

The final transcript of records includes the timeframe of your exchange period, results of your exams and an explanation about credit transfer. Your transcript will be issued once all the results of the exams you took are registered on your online career plan. This document is sent by email only to the relevant office at your home university. The “Autocertificazione esami per studenti in arrivo” is not a Transcript of records.


To register the end of your exchange, fill in the end of mobility form

Italian language courses

Each semester the University of Turin organises Italian language courses for Erasmus, global exchange, and double degree students. You can only attend one Italian language course throughout the year.


These courses are:

  • free of charge
  • last one semester
  •  beginner, intermediate, and advanced level
  • 40-hour programme (4 hours per week)
  • 5 ECTS credit value only if the final exam is passed.


General calendar for Italian courses:

  • first semester courses: October-December
  • second semester courses February/March-May


Timetable and application instructions

2024-2025 second semester calendar is now available.

Courses start on 12th February 2025. To register contact the teacher in charge of the course at the e-mail address listed in the calendar below: