Two contemporaneous enrolments

Law No. 33 of 12 April 2022 establishes the opportunity of enrolling simultaneously in two higher education courses, even at different universities and institutions of higher education in Art, Music and Dance (AFAM), both Italian and foreign.
Decree No. 930 of 29 July 2022 of the Minister of University and Research fixed the procedures to facilitate simultaneous enrolment in two different higher education courses from the academic year 2022-2023.
Moreover, Decree No. 933 of 2 August 2022 of the Ministry of University and Research allows, also starting from the academic year 2022-2023, simultaneous enrolment in two different first- or second-level academic diploma courses or specialization or university master courses at the Institutions of Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance (AFAM).
The term "course" refers to undergraduate degree, postgraduate degree, 5-6-year degree, university master, non-medical specialization schools, PhDs.
The term "degree courses with a local restricted number of places" refers to all the types of courses listed above that foresee a restricted number of places, i.e. for which there is a selection procedure, given the limited number of places available.
In order to apply for simultaneous enrolment, you must already be regularly enrolled (and have paid your fees on time) in a course at the University of Turin for the academic year 2024-2025 (in the first year or in years following the first one). Check the courses available and their limitations.
In order to enrol at the University of Turin, it is necessary to hold the qualifications required by national legislation and to follow the specific University guidelines depending on the type of course, for example by taking TOLC and/or admission tests, if required.
Enrolment in the second course is conditioned, in any case, by the positive outcome of the verification of the requirements of compatibility between the two courses. The outcome of the verification will be communicated via email within 90 days from the completion of enrolment in the second course.
You are not required to take the TOLC if you are simultaneously enrolling in two courses (you are already enrolled in a course at the University of Turin and you are enrolling in another course at the University of Turin) and have previously taken the same type of TOLC as an admission requirement.
In the case of simultaneous enrolment, the total or partial exemptions stipulated in the current Taxes and Contributions Regulations apply to both careers, but no further specific reductions are provided for dual enrolment. More information is available on the page Tuition fees.
EDISU's right-to-study benefits (e.g. scholarships) are provided for a single enrolment. For more details:
In order to apply for simultaneous enrolment, you must already be regularly enrolled (and have paid your fees on time) in a course at the University of Turin for the academic year 2024-2025 (in the first year or in years following the first one).
Enrolment in the second course is conditioned by the positive outcome of the verification of the requirements of compatibility between the two courses. The outcome of the verification will be communicated via email within 90 days from the completion of enrolment in the second course
In order to enrol for a second course in a free admission course, it is necessary to follow procedures and deadlines according to the type of course:
- undergraduate and 5 or 6-year postgraduate degrees with free admission
- postgraduate degrees with free admission
If the verification of the requirements for simultaneous enrolment is successfully concluded, you will receive a notice on your institutional account; if it is negatively concluded, you will be informed of the reason why and you will have to communicate for which course your enrolment should be maintained.
If you are in the status "Passed" (Ammesso) in the ranking list of your course of interest, you must finalise your enrolment in the course of interest online, no later than the deadline specified in the call for application in order not to lose your place.
In order to enrol for a second course in a course with restricted number of places, it is necessary to follow procedures and deadlines according to the type of course:
- undergraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
- 5 or 6-year postgraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
- postgraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
If the verification of the requirements for simultaneous enrolment is successfully concluded, you will receive a notice on your institutional account; if it is negatively concluded, you will be informed of the reason why and you will have to communicate for which course your enrolment should be maintained.
You must finalise one of the two enrolments as soon as possible and immediately afterwards, no later than the deadline specified in the call for application, in order not to lose your place, you must also finalise the second enrolment.
In order to enrol for a second course in a course with a restricted number of places, it is necessary to follow procedures and deadlines according to the type of course:
- undergraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
- 5 or 6-year postgraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
- postgraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
If the verification of the requirements for simultaneous enrolment is successfully concluded, you will receive a notice on your institutional account; if it is negatively concluded, you will be informed of the reason why and you will have to communicate for which course your enrolment should be maintained.
If you are enrolled for the academic year 2024-2025 in a university course at another Italian or foreign University/Institution and wish to enrol for a second course at UniTo, please follow the procedures and deadlines according to the type of course:
- undergraduate and 5 or 6-year postgraduate degrees with free admission
- undergraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
- 5 or 6-year postgraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
- postgraduate degrees with free admission
- postgraduate degrees with a restricted number of places
Enrolment on the second course at UniTo is conditioned by the verification of the requirements of compatibility between the two courses: the outcome will be communicated via email within 90 days from the completion of enrolment at UniTo.