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Justice Programme

European Civil Procedure for Lawyers: Promoting Training to improve the Effectiveness of Transnational Justice
PRP - European Prison Observatory. Prison de-radicalization strategies, programmes and risk assessment tools in Europe
  • Principal investigator: Giovanni Torrente
  • Department of Law
Builiding on the European Case Law Identifier
RePerS - Mutual Trust and Social Rehabilitation Into Practice
TRUST and ACTION - Trust and Social Rehabilitation in Action
InterLex - Advisory and Training system for Internet-related Private International Law
LAWtrain - An Innovative and Interactive Cross-border Training for Lawyers
EIO-LAPD - European Investigation Order – legal analysis and practical dilemmas of international cooperation
CrossJustice - Knowledge, Advisory and Capacity Building Information Tool for Criminal Procedural Rights in Judicial Cooperation
ADELE - Analytics for DEcision of LEgal cases