
Research Infrastructure

Global BioImaging - Global BioImaging Project - International imaging infrastructure services for the life science community
  • Principal investigator: Silvio Aime
  • Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
  • Participant EU contribution: 184.687,50
  • Start date: 1st December 2015
  • End date: 30th November 2018
  • Project information on CORDIS
CORBEL - Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services
  • Principal investigator: Silvio Aime
  • Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
  • Participant EU contribution: 167.500,00
  • Start date: 1st September 2015
  • End date: 31st May 2020
  • Project information on CORDIS
HIRMEOS - High Integration of Research Monographs in the European Open Science infrastructure
  • Principal investigator: Elena Giglia
  • Participant EU contribution: 91.306,25
  • Start date: 1st January 2017
  • End date: 30th June 2019
  • Project information on CORDIS
EDIReX - EurOPDX Distributed Infrastructure for Research on patient-derived cancer Xenografts
  • Principal investigator: Enzo Medico
  • Department of Oncology
  • Participant EU contribution: 596.143,85
  • Start date: 1st February 2018
  • End date: 31st January 2022
  • Project information on CORDIS
OpenAIRE-Advance - OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship
  • Principal investigator: Elena Giglia
  • Research and Third Mission Division
  • Participant EU contribution: 55.000,00
  • Start date: 1st January 2018
  • End date: 31st December 2020
  • Project information on CORDIS
EOSC-Life - Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe
  • Principal investigator: Silvio Aime
  • Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
  • Participant EU contirbution: 149.375,00
  • Start date: 1st March 2019
  • End date: 28th February 2023
  • Project information on CORDIS
AQUAEXCEL3.0 - AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in EUropean fish research 3.0
  • Principal investigator: Laura Gasco
  • Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences
  • Participant EU contribution: 189.347,50
  • Start date: 1st November 2017
  • End date: 31st October 2021
  • Project information on CORDIS
OPERAS-P - Preparing open access in the european research area through scholarly communication
  • Principal investigator: Giglia Elena
  • Research and Third Mission Division
  • Participant EU contribution: 129.423,75 
  • Start date: 1st July 2019
  • End date: 30th June 2021
  • Project information on CORDIS
IS_MIRRI21 - Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century
  • Principal investigator: Varese Cristina
  • Department of Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology
  • Participant EU contribution: 210.127,68 
  • Start date: 1st February 2020
  • End date: 31st January 2023
  • Project information on CORDIS