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PhD at a glance

The Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy, “Dottorato di ricerca”) is the highest university degree in Italy, aiming to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and research abilities to engage in top-quality research activities in universities, public institutions, or private bodies.

A yearly call for applications is launched to be selected for a Ph.D. Program at the University of Turin. Applicants must hold a postgraduate degree (or a foreign equivalent).

3 or 4 years are normally needed for the completion of a doctoral program. Award of the Ph.D. is conditional upon a successful oral defense of own’s dissertation in front of an Examination Committee.


UniTo and the Doctoral School aim at excellence in research and training by promoting the internationalisation of their students, PhD programs and research activity through mobility plans, scientific cooperation networks, participation to competitive bidding. To learn more about the international dimension of UniTO and its PhD Programs, please read the related page about the Internationalisation of PhD courses.


The PhD also represents a preferred solution for scientific collaboration between the University of Turin, non-academic institutions and private companies for exchanging knowledge and expertise in innovation. To learn more about opportunities of collaborations between the private sector, non-academic institutions and PhD Programs read the page dedicated to PhD with companies and institutions.