
PhD programmes

PhD programs at the University of Turin are designed and offered within the Doctoral School. 
The Doctoral School coordinates the PhD programs and runs joint activities.


All information for prospective PhD Candidate, as requirements to access a PhD program and the yearly call for applications, and for current PhD candidates about their PhD path, financial aid, ect, is available at the Doctoral School website.


Please find below the list of the PhD programmes:

Natural Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Natural Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Social and Economic Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities
Social and Economic Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Natural Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Natural Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Life and Health Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences
Natural Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Arts and Humanities
Life and Health Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Life and Health Sciences
Social and Economic Sciences