Deputy Rector

The Deputy Rector of the University of Turin is Professor Giulia Anastasia Carluccio.
The Deputy Rector acts on behalf of the Rector when he is absent or temporary unavailable and is nominated by the Rector among the university’s Full Professors for a six year term.
Giulia Anastasia Carluccio is Professor of Cinema, Photography, Television and Audiovisual Media at the Department of Humanities. She chose to graduate in History of Cinema, at the University of Turin, with a master like Gianni Rondolino, fascinated by a discipline that knows how to retrace themes, issues and cultural reasons through a language that includes others and that brings the arts and the world closer together.
Her scientific journey - from the study of linguistic and expressive forms of cinema and media to the attention to aesthetic and productive aspects and, last but not least, to the interdisciplinary and inter-media relations between the seventh art and other disciplines - has nourished her didactic activity, carried out for many years at the Dams of Turin, a degree course that helped to found and presided over the role of Vice-prorector.
The passion that sustains her work has led her to engage in institutional matters too: in the last legislature she was in the Academic Senate, in the Organic and Research Commissions and presides at a national level the Cinema University Council. He is also president of the historic Aiace (Italian Association of Friends of Cinema d'Essai) in Turin and collaborates with the National Cinema Museum.