
Tuition fees office: some changes to the opening times

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Starting from 14th December 2015, the opening times of the tuition fees office have been changed as follow:


  • from 14th December 2015 to 15th January 2016
    from Mon to Fry 9 - 11 am
    Tue, Wed, Thu also 1.30-3 pm
  • from 18th January 2016 to 26th February 2016
    Mon, Wed, Fry 9 - 11 am
    Tue, Thu 1,30 - 3 pm
  • from 29th February 2016 to 15th April 2016
    from Mon to Fry 9 - 11 am
    Tue, Wed, Thu also 1.30-3 pm
  • from 18th April 2016 until 15 days before the deadline of the first instalment a.y. 2016-2017
    Mon, Wed, Fry 9 - 11 am
    Tue, Thu 1,30 - 3 pm