IV round call UNITA Erasmus BIP 2022-23 – deadline 10th October, 2023

The II round of the call UNITA Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme a.y. 2022-2023 is open.
Students enrolled at UniTo can join international blended programmes involving online activities and a short mobility to one of the Universities of the Alliance UNITA-Universitas Montium.
The available Blended Intensive Programmes are:
- Branding strategy for sustainable tourism – Université Savoie Mont Blanc (Annecy, France)
- Entrepreneurship and sustainability in the cultural / creative industries – Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara (Romania)
- Solar energy for buildings: from components to cities - Université Savoie Mont Blanc (France)
- Aesthetic choices and political implications - plurilingual literary writing in Romance languages - Francia – Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Francia)
Deadline for participation: 10th October 2023, at 12.00 (CET).
For further details: