Closure notice for Christmas and New Year holiday

During the Christmas holidays, some of the University's offices and facilities will be closed to the public from 27th December 2022 to 5th January 2023:
- Students registry offices, Sezione Diritto allo studio, Sezione Esami di stato, Sezione Post Laurea, Ufficio Studenti con Disabilità e DSA and in general the offices of the "Direzione Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti"
- Infopoint
- International Students office
- International Mobility offices
In order to pursue energy-saving requirements, it was decided to rationalise the opening hours and days of some locations. This is done with targeted closures, limited to the Christmas holiday period.
A table (available only in Italian) has been set up that lists any changes location by location. The data of the various facilities can be found through a convenient text search function. To make it easier to locate spaces, an interactive map is available on which to check the information.