
Workshop: Innovation in H2020 projects - chenge of venue

27 April 2015

The University of Turin, within the program “Obiettivo Horizon 2020” promotes a workshop on  the concept of innovation. The event will take place on 27th April 2015 (2.30 pm) at the Main Hall of Cavallerizza Reale, via Verdi 9, Turin.

  • 14,00 - 14,30: Registration
  • 14,30 - 14,45: Silvio Aime, University of Turin, Vice Rector for the Scientific Research
  • 14,45 - 15,15: Eoghan O'Neill, DG CONNECT, F2 "Innovation" - European Commission: “Put innovation at the core of your H2020 proposal”
  • 15,15 – 15,45: Margot Bezzi, Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE), responsible for social innovation in H2020 “Social Innovation in H2020”
  • 15,45 - 16,15: Cecilia Muñoz, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - Life Supporting Technologies“Innovation in H2020 from an evaluator’s perspective”
  • 16,15 - 16,45: Bo Norrman, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Innovation Advisor“Developing an innovation strategy for universities”
  • 16,45 - 17,30: Open discussion

The workshop is organized by the Common Strategic Task Force (CSTF), thanks to the contribution of Compagnia di San Paolo.

For further details please contact [email protected].