
Solar seminar: The crisis of capitalism and the quest for sustainable food supply

28 June 2017 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm

As part of Solars'appointments, the 18th seminar on The crisis of capitalism and the quest for sustainable food supply will take place on Wednesday 28th June 2017 at Campus Luigi Einaudi (Room F4, Lungo Dora Siena 100/A, Torino).


Beginning with a dialogue between the themes of his two recent books, The Entropy of Capitalism and Sustainable Food Systems (The Role of the City), Biel presents today’s era as one of flux: an exhausted capitalism is still clinging on, parasitising on its own decay and on the chaos it causes; at the same time, many positive features of grassroots self-organisation do exist, but they would need to escape the pull of the existing system in order to build a new one.  Biel then discusses how issues of food and land (and everything they imply about commons regimes, knowledge sovereignty and community autonomy) can act as a catalyst for progressive change, helping to inaugurate the sustainable future which the ruling order cannot provide.


Introduction by Dario Padovan (University of Torino)
Speaker: Robert Biel (University College London)