
Exemptions and refunds

For information about exemptions and refunds for the a.y. 2022-2023, please check the art. 3 and 9 of Contribution and Tuition Fees Regulation (Regolamento tasse e contributi a.a. 2022-2023 - Italian version).

How to get the exemptions or refunds

In order to get the exemption or refund, students must insert their data relating to the modality of payment, by accessing their own MyUniTO and filling in the necessary elements, in the section "Dati Anagrafici".


For refunds at cashier desk or by cheque, the bank will send a communication/cheque to the residence address inserted in the ESSE3. We recommend accessing MyUniTO and checking, if your personal data are correct in the section "Dati Anagrafici" and, if necessary, update them.

Contributions and amounts never refundable

The following contributions and amounts are never refundable:

  • admission test
  • duty stamp
  • any paid fine, excluding:
    • those paid for delays due to the administration
    • cases decided by the Committee for the equal interpretation of rules to access the brackets with reduced contribution
    • if the fine for belated payment is not due.