
Inspire and RIS Inspire Programmes

Inspire and RIS Inspire programmes

The Inspire and RIS Inspire Programmes aim to develop a new generation of entrepreneurs and innovators equipped to shape a new kind of innovative, resilient, and sustainable food system.

Inspire is driven by the three missions of EIT Food:

  1. healthier lives through food
  2. a net zero food system
  3. reducing risk for a fair and resilient food system


Seven schools are available for 2023:

Inspire Programmes
RIS Inspire Programmes

In addition, the Explore school offers a supplementary and transversal programme for both the Inspire and RIS Inspire programmes, which will give you the opportunity to acquire a set of innovation and entrepreneurship skills by completing the entrepreneurship modules in each school.


The target audience of the Inspire and RIS Inspire Programmes comprises students, researchers, entrepreneurs and professionals, who benefit by receiving high-quality learning experience from academic members with innovative teaching methods, as well as practical training in collaboration with industry partners and established start-ups from the food sector. 


You could obtain an internationally recognized certifications for you acquired competences (through our EIT Food Accredited courses and EIT Food Assessment certifications) to spend on your career.


You can register for RIS Inspire programmes only if you come from one of the RIS countries.