
Initiatives and projects for students with disability

Training internship at the RAI in Turin for all university students, in particular students with disability

Responsabilità Sociale RAI, in collaboration with the University of Turin (Students with Disability and SLD Office and Job Placement), proposes training at the Ufficio Pilota RAI with priority to students with disability and SLD.


Starting form the end of 2004 in the RAI Production centre (Via Verdi, 16), a multimedia room for people with disability has been set up in order to favour the acquisition of specific skills and promote work integration of people with disability, making available the company structure and accessible technologies.


How to apply

Interested students can consult the leaflet and contact Dr. Maglorio, RAI contact person, through the numbers +39 011 8104536/2317, or by sending an email to [email protected].

Students can also request to this office specific support services during the training.

Adaptive sport and equal opportunities

For several years, CUS (University Sport Centre) has promoted the "Adaptive sport and equal opportunities project", presented through the Primo Nebiolo Association, in partnership with the University of Turin (and the Polytechnic University of Turin). For further information, write to CUS Turin at the following address: [email protected].

Laboratory for research and experimentation of new assistive technologies for “S. Polin” STEM

The laboratory carries out research and experimentation activities in the field of new technologies for the access to university studies, including scientific ones, for people with (both motor and sensorial) disability, focusing on the non-visual access to digital contents.


For further information, read the specific website: