
Italian Fund for Science (FIS)

The Italian Fund for Science (FIS), established by the "Decreto Sostegni bis" (DL 73-2021), provides support for fundamental research within the framework of highly qualified research programs.

Open calls

Currently, there are no ongoing calls for proposals.

Closed calls

The second FIS call (2023) allocated over 330 million euros, distributed across three funding lines:

  • Starting Grant (50% of funds) for emerging researchers
  • Consolidator Grant (25%) for researchers with intermediate experience
  • Advanced Grant (25%) for established researchers.

The projects, with funding ranging between 1.2 and 2.5 million euros each, had to be submitted in English by a Principal Investigator at Italian research institutions between October and November 2023.


For the first call published (Directorate Decree No. 2281 of 28.09.2021), the MUR allocated 50 million euros for the year 2021, of which 20 million were designated for the funding of fundamental research projects conducted by emerging researchers (Starting Grant) and 30 million for fundamental research projects conducted by established researchers (Advanced Grant).

The project proposals covered all research areas related to the macro-sectors and scientific-disciplinary sectors determined by the European Research Council (ERC).

Eligible applicants for submitting proposals were Principal Investigators of any nationality, who chose one of the Italian institutions specified in the call as their Host Institution.