
University Funding

The University of Turin fosters high-quality and innovative research, also considering the socio-cultural context and its interplay. It supports all sectors through targeted initiatives, strengthens and incentivizes research, including local research that is not funded through external calls.


In its autonomy, UniTo provides funding and co-funding for various university initiatives every year, including the "Scientific Research funded by the University of Turin" (allocating a portion of the annual Ordinary Funding provided by the Ministry of Education, University and Research to support local research programs) and other initiatives aimed at promoting scientific production and enhancing international collaborations.

Open calls

Currently, there are no ongoing calls for proposals.

Closed calls
Year 2024
Year 2023
Year 2022
Grant for Internationalization – GFI

The "Grant for Internationalization - GFI" 2022 call was aimed at funding collaborative research projects with international partners.

The objective was to enhance the international dimension and attractiveness of the University of Turin by developing and strengthening research networks with international partners based in strategically identified geographical areas. The goal was to initiate and/or consolidate networks of scientific collaboration.