
Research and Innovation - Regione Piemonte

Open calls

Currently, there are no ongoing calls for proposals.

Closed calls
Infra P2

The call, known as "Infra P" is part of the "Piemonte Restart Plan", a reprogramming initiative for European, national, and regional funds in 2020 and 2021 (approved by Regional Council Resolution No. 2-1312 on May 4, 2020). Specifically, it falls under Action No. 173, "INFRA-P. Establishment, Strengthening, and Expansion of Public Research Infrastructures."

The purpose of this call is to support projects that enhance public research facilities, including testing laboratories and research infrastructures. It also aims to promote Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects, in collaboration with recognized entities in the regional healthcare system and businesses. These projects focus on identifying innovative solutions and technologies that can be quickly implemented to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

The call consists of two main components:

  • Line A: enhancement of existing testing laboratories and research infrastructures owned by public research organizations. This line provides support for investments in equipment, facilities, and technologies required for the development and testing of products, solutions, and technologies to address the healthcare emergency caused by Covid-19.
  • Line B: industrial research and experimental development projects related to Covid-19. The projects under this line should demonstrate the potential for rapid industrialization and commercialization after their completion. They should primarily involve experimental development activities, accounting for more than 50% of the total eligible costs.

The objectives of the call are as follows:

  • support the public research system and the network of laboratories and research infrastructures in studying, developing, and testing innovative solutions and technologies with a focus on rapid application to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Access to laboratories and research infrastructures should be open to multiple users, with transparent and non-discriminatory access policies.
  • promote industrial research and, in particular, experimental development of solutions, products, and devices for rapid implementation during the emergency phase and in response to the spread of the virus. This includes preventing epidemic outbreaks, improving care and assistance for individuals in various settings such as hospitals, homes, workplaces, educational institutions, and public spaces. It also aims to enhance public research environments for designing, testing, and validating new or improved medical and personal protective devices.


The financial allocation for this call is €10,000,000.00 from the 2014-2020 Development and Cohesion Fund.

Further details are available on the University's Intranet platform.

Technological Platforms

Technological Platforms serve as a means to support collaborative industrial research and experimental development in the Piedmont region.

These platforms are established through partnerships between public and private entities such as companies, institutions, and universities, operating at a regional level in specific technological domains. They facilitate an integrated approach to research and development activities.

Funding for these platforms is provided through the European Structural and Investment Funds, which are allocated within the Operational Programs of the Piedmont Region. In particular, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) contributes to their financing.

Each platform is dedicated to a specific sector of intervention.

Bioeconomy Technological Platform


In the domains of Green Chemistry/Cleantech and Agri-food, one of the most pressing challenges lies in research and innovation aimed at developing technologies for creating "circular" production ecosystems within the regional territory, in the context of the Bioeconomy.

Through the "Bioeconomy Technological Platform" funding program, the Piedmont Region aims to provide financial support, in the form of cost contributions, for industrial research projects and/or experimental development projects that promote the development of innovative solutions with the following priority objectives:

  • supporting industrial research and innovation in technologies.
  • facilitating collaboration between businesses and the research system to develop projects that address the needs of innovation and competitiveness in the field of the Bioeconomy
  • encouraging the participation of stakeholders from various sectors to ensure the integration of relevant themes aimed at implementing Circular Economy projects
  • facilitating the exchange of knowledge and expertise between businesses and research organizations while incentivizing the formation of partnerships
  • promoting territorial impact in terms of employment growth and the competitiveness of the Piedmont production system
  • enhancing the training of new industrial researchers in the fields of the Bioeconomy through the implementation of High Education and Research Apprenticeship projects.


Financial allocation

The regional funding allocation for the 2014-2020 period under the Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale - POR FESR) amounts to €40,000,000.

The costs arising from training activities within the framework of high education and research apprenticeships will be supported by additional funding derived from the Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale Fondo Sociale Europeo - POR FSE) of the Piedmont Region.


Participation of the University of Turin

Total funding obtained: €4,046,994.45.

Smart Factory Technology Platform


With the "Smart Factory Technology Platform" (Industry 4.0 technologies) funding program, which is a key component of Piedmont's Smart Specialization Strategy (S3), the Piedmont Region aims to establish a robust local supply chain capable of identifying intelligent and environmentally sustainable solutions within the advanced manufacturing systems sector.

Through this initiative, the region intends to:

  • provide funding for industrial research and/or experimental development projects that promote the development of innovative technologies and the application of advanced manufacturing systems
  • direct the funding towards a select few large-scale projects in strategic sectors, aligning the research and development agendas of major industrial players and research institutions
  • utilize the technology platform as an integrated, coordinated, and systematic set of actions for industrial research and experimental development pursued by different stakeholders sharing a common vision and strategies.


Financial allocation

The regional financial allocation for the Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale - POR FESR) 2014-2020 is €14,342,588.

The costs associated with the training activities within the framework of apprenticeships in higher education and research will be supported by additional funding from the Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale - POR FESR) of the Piedmont Region.


Participation of the University of Turin

Total funding obtained: €2.743.171,34

Health and Well-being Technology Platform


Through the "Health and Well-being Technology Platform" funding scheme, the Region of Piedmont aims to support industrial research projects and/or experimental development projects that promote the development of innovative solutions with the following objectives:

  • support industrial research and innovation in technologies related to health and well-being.
  • foster collaboration between businesses and the research system to develop projects that meet the needs of innovation and competitiveness in the Health and Well-being sector
  • facilitate the exchange of knowledge and expertise between businesses, research organizations, and clinical healthcare facilities
  • promote local impacts in terms of employment growth and competitiveness in the Piedmont production system
  • increase the training of new industrial researchers in the fields of Health and Well-being through the implementation of apprenticeship projects in higher education and research.


Financial allocation

The regional financial allocation from the Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale - POR FESR) 2014-2020, initially set at €15,000,000 programmatically, has been supplemented with additional resources, up to a maximum amount of €5,000,000 (as per Regional Decree n. 94-6286 dated December 22, 2017).

The costs arising from training activities within the framework of apprenticeship in higher education and research will be supported by additional funding derived from the Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale - POR FESR) of the Piedmont Region.


Participation of the University of Turin

Total funding obtained: €4.332.600,00.

Technology Platform for Industry

The call for proposals related to the Technology Platform for Industry has been approved by the Regional Council and published in the Official Bulletin of the Piedmont Region (BURP) No. 26 on June 27, 2019.



Through the "Technology Platform for Industry - Pi.Te.F." funding initiative, the Piedmont Region aims to support industrial research projects and/or experimental development projects proposed by companies and entities from any sector. The projects should adopt a multidisciplinary and preferably multisectoral approach, focusing on one of the two strategic trajectories (smart and resource efficiency), and align with the sectoral coherence of the S3 strategy in aerospace, automotive, green chemistry, mechatronics, Made In (textile, agri-food), and innovation for health.

The primary emphasis should be on experimental development activities and demonstrators. The initiative encourages the hiring of apprentices under high-level training contracts.

The measure aims to facilitate collaborations between companies and their supply chain partners within research and development projects that:

  • are carried out by partnerships consisting of entrepreneurial entities belonging to the same production chain, with established industrial and/or functional relationships contributing to the business
  • involve a lead company within the supply chain, possessing significant strategic importance, responsible for identifying the partnership, defining the investment plan, and coordinating the project
  • produce results that have a shared impact or are subject to mutual valorization within the industrial relationships that serve the business objectives.

The regional financial allocation for Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale - POR FESR) 2014-2020 is programmatically set at €16,062,878.67.

The costs resulting from training activities within the framework of high-level education and research apprenticeships will be supported by additional funding from the Regional Operational Program of the European Fund for Regional Development (Programma Operativo Regionale del Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale - POR FSE) of the Piedmont Region.

Infra P

The Infra P call for proposals, aimed at supporting projects for the establishment, enhancement, and expansion of public Research Infrastructures, is part of the actions envisaged by the Regional Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020.

Investing in research facilities is a key element for the scientific and technological progress of the Piedmont region, as it contributes to increasing the attractiveness of the territory for potential investors and highly qualified human resources. This call aims to foster collaboration between businesses and public research institutions, with a particular focus on the shared use of research facilities.



  • support collaboration between businesses and public research institutions through the shared use of open-access research infrastructure, closely aligned with the needs of businesses
  • encourage management approaches for research infrastructure based on entrepreneurial criteria
  • reduce fragmentation and the significant dispersion of equipment available to public research infrastructures through joint or networked initiatives
  • enhance public research infrastructures capable of generating development opportunities or significant effects on the productive specialization of the regional system.



The budget allocation for this call is €19,500,000, corresponding to the resources provided by the ERDF 2014-2020 for Action I.1a.5.1, "Support for critical/crucial research infrastructures for regional systems," plus an additional €7,000,000 (additional financial resources allocated through ranking updates - DGR 19-8521 of 8/03/2019 and DD 550 of 10/10/2019).


Participation of the University of Turin

Total funding obtained: €5,687,250.