French-Italian Day for Early Career Researchers

French-Italian Day for Early Career Researchers takes place on 10th October 2024 from 1:45 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology (Via Accademia Albertina 13, Torino).
The event is organized by the Doctoral School of the University of Turin together with ABG (Association B. Grégory, Paris).
It is an opportunity for doctoral students and young researchers from both Italy and France to meet and talk with experts and professionals in the field of recruitment process (companies), career transition to non-academic contexts, career development activities in both countries (good practices).
The event is organized into different sessions:
- a plenary session on AI and new recruitment methods in the non-academic sector
- two interactive round tables with European recruiters and PhD holders with interesting professional profiles.
The sessions are designed to provide information and help PhDs understand the array of opportunities after completing their studies and recognize the value of their skills beyond academia. Many PhDs face challenges transitioning from academia to industry. This difficulty often arises due to a lack of knowledge about potential positions, how to craft a resume for the industry, and prepare effectively for a job in that sector.
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