
Seminar: "Asbestos burden in lungs of women from Broni (Pavia - Italy): assessment by SEM-EDS"

15 June 2023
Asbestos burden in lungs of women from Broni

On Thursday 15th June 2023 at 4:30 p.m. Silvana Capella (Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Turin) will hold a seminar on Asbestos burden in lungs of women from Broni (Pavia - Italy): assessment by SEM-EDS.


Silvana Capella deals with environmental mineralogy and medical geology. Her scientific research activity is about the characterization, identification and quantification (using SEM-EDS) of inorganic particles, synthetic and natural inorganic fibres (as asbestos and other fibrous minerals) present in air, in biological samples from humans (such as fluids and autoptic lung tissue) and in different animal species (populations defined as "sentinel"), in collaboration with medical researchers, veterinarians and biologists.