Elections of student representatives 2023 - Representatives in university and non-university bodies

On 28th, 29th and 30th March 2023, elections will be held for student representatives in university and non-university bodies.
The elections are held by e-voting (telematics) according to the following schedule:
- 28th March 2023, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- 29th March 2023, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
- 30th March 2023, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
For all updates and other details please refer to the Italian version.
Each elector votes by means of a suitable electronic device that they have in their possession.
Using SCU credentials, the elector accesses the e-voting service through the University Portal. After accessing the service, the elector can find the lists of the relevant candidates.
The elector may express his/her preferences up to the maximum number provided for each list.
Once the voting operations have been completed, the elector/elector is requested to confirm the vote cast and to close the voting session.
Electors without appropriate devices may vote using the computer stations, the location of which will be indicated on the dedicated page in Italian.
The following representatives will be elected:
- 6 representatives for the Academic Senate
- 2 representatives for the Board of Directors
- 6 representatives for the Regional Assembly of Students for the Right to University Studies
- 4 representatives for the University Sports Committee
- for the Department Councils, representatives representing no less than 15% of the total composition of the body
- for the Boards of Studies/Integrated Degrees, no less than 15% of the total membership of the body
- for the School Councils, representatives of no less than 20% of the total composition of the body.
Consultation is also called for student representation on the Committee of Guarantee (CUG).
- Students at all levels who, on the date of voting, are enrolled in the current academic year, whether in or out of the course, including those enrolled in postgraduate courses in the previous academic year and awaiting the end of their career in the extraordinary session
- Incoming Erasmus students
- PhD students