
Financial education in a life-cycle perspective

24 March 2022

CeRP-Collegio Carlo Alberto, the Dutch Money Week and the Italian Financial Education Committee are co-organizing a webinar on Financial education in a life-cycle perspective.


The event will take place on 24th March 2022 at 3:00 p.m.


On the occasion of the Global Money Week, CeRP-Collegio Carlo Alberto presents the booklets series “Be in charge of your life-cycle”, the first output of the ANGLE project ("A network game for life-cycle education"), funded by the Erasmus+ EU programme and meant to enhance the Financial Literacy of young people. The project includes other two outputs, a table game and a set of videos, co-created with a group of students aged 18-22 from the different countries participating in the project.


The project adopts a life-cycle perspective to help the young to consider a long-time horizon and to think about the future consequences of their decisions. The booklets present four crucial decision points: whether to keep studying or enter the labour market; to buy or rent a house; to consume or save; to save for retirement. The booklets attempt to shed light on the fundamental economic concepts involved in these decisions.


For further details: