Applications for international students for the a.y. 2022-2023 are now open

If you hold a qualification issued by a non-Italian high school or university and you wish to apply for an undergraduate, postgraduate, 5-year or 6-year postgraduate degree program, you will have to follow the application and enrolment procedure according to the deadlines and instructions available at the Online application page.
You are an international student if you hold a foreign study qualification/degree – your citizenship is irrelevant. If you hold dual citizenship, and one is Italian or European, it will prevail over the non-European one.
The application procedure for the academic year 2022-2023 changes according to the level of the chosen study program and also whether a visa for study purposes is needed or not. The list of programs offered is available on Apply@Unito.
Have a look at the Italian qualifications framework in order to get an idea about the different kind of study programs offered by the University.
Please refer to the related web page for further details: