
Cookie policy

Through this policy, according to current legislation on the protection of personal data, the University of Turin, in the person of the Chancellor Pro Tempore, as Data Controller, aims at providing the most useful information regarding the cookies used by the website and by websites with the * URL.


The validity of this policy is limited to the above-mentioned websites, and is an integral part of the corresponding Privacy Policy, to be referred to for further information.


Version: July 2022.

Data Controller

The Data Controller is the University of Turin, in the person of the Rector Pro Tempore, via Giuseppe Verdi n. 8, 10124 Turin, email [email protected] and PEC [email protected].

Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO)

According to Articles 37 et seq. of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), the University has appointed a Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO) who can be contacted by email at [email protected].

For the provision and management of the University Portal services, the University uses the CINECA Inter-University Consortium, the registered office of which is in in via Magnanelli, 6/3, 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO). CINECA Inter-University Consortium has been appointed as external Data Processor according to art. 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that websites visited by the user send to the computer and to any device used for navigation (e.g.: smartphones and tablets) where they are stored and then retransmitted the next time the same user visits.

Cookies can be stored permanently and have a variable duration (so-called persistent cookies), but they can also disappear when the browser is closed or have a limited duration (so-called session cookies).

Similarly, cookies can be installed by the website you are visiting (so-called first-party cookies), but also by other websites (so-called third-party cookies) and are used to perform computer authentication, monitor sessions and store information regarding the activities of users who access a particular site.

Use of cookies

The above-mentioned websites make use of various types of cookies in order to simplify, speed up and make browsing more effective.

Through cookies it is possible to collect information on the  website user (e.g.: date and time, web pages visited, time spent on the portal etc.), some of which may fall within the definition of personal data and therefore be subject to specific legal regulations.

It should be noted that disabling certain cookies may compromise the proper functioning of the University Portal.

Cookies used by the site

The University Portal uses first-party technical cookies necessary for its operation, tracking cookies similar to technical cookies and third-party cookies.

Cookies with explicit profiling purposes or for purposes other than those stated here are not used.


First-party technical cookies

The University Portal uses technical cookies (navigation or functional, session and/or persistent) or similar to them to function and be displayed correctly, to allow authentication to reserved areas or to improve user experience (e.g.: by memorising language preferences or saving the credentials used to access the back-end so they do not have to re-enter them).

Since consent to their installation is not required, these cookies will always be used and sent to the browser in use, unless the user changes their settings (thus affecting the proper use of the services or content made available).

The "first party" technical cookies collected by the site are processed at the offices of the external data processing manager (Consorzio CINECA), who processes the log files on behalf of the Data Controller.






Stores the client's consent status: whether javascript enabled or not. Based on this information, the site activates or not the javascript-based functionalities



Monitoring cookies

The Google Analytics service for the analysis of web traffic conveyed by the Portal System (Sistema Portale) websites was suspended on 9th June 2022 in order to find an alternative solution, in light of the order of the Privacy Authority No. 224 of 9th June 2022.


Third-party cookies

As indicated in the University website Privacy Policy, this web application uses certain functionalities provided by other organisations ("Third Parties") to improve the user's browsing experience.

As a consequence of special extensions (modules, plugins, widgets) or content embedding on external platforms, third party cookies might be transmitted to and from all sites of which the University is not the owner.

The information collected by "third parties" is not accessible by the Data Controller and its management is governed by the relevant privacy policy.


Third-party cookies used:





Tests the speed of the user's connection on pages with embedded YouTube videos

6 months




Logs a unique ID for statistics related to which YouTube videos have been viewed by the user





Allows tracking of content sharing on YouTube

2 years




Allows tracking of content sharing on YouTube

24 hours




This cookie stores your preferences such as your preferred language

2 years




Allows tracking of content sharing on YouTube

1 minute

How to disable cookies (opt out)

You can manage your cookie preferences directly within your browser to prevent, for example, third parties from collecting data indiscriminately.

You can use your browser preferences to delete any cookies that have been installed, including a cookie that may contain your consent for this site to install cookies.

You can find information on how to manage cookies with some of the most popular browsers by visiting the following web pages:

It is also possible to deactivate cookies following the information given by third party companies listed in the Privacy Policy, of which this policy is an annex.

Further useful information on the possibilities of choice regarding the use of cookies is available at

Changes to this cookie policy

This information may change over time. We therefore recommend that you check that the version you are referring to is as up-to-date as possible by accessing this Privacy section.