
Carlo Alberto Medal Lecture "The Global Capital Allocation Project"

8 June 2021 from 6:00pm to 7:45pm

On 8th June 2021, at 6:00 p.m., Matteo Maggiori (Stanford Graduate School of Business - recipient of the 2019 Carlo Alberto Medal) will hold an online lecture on "The Global Capital Allocation Project".


Introduction by Paolo Ghirardato, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto.


In recent decades, global flows of assets and goods have grown rapidly relative to GDP and have shifted aggressively during crises such as the global financial crisis and the current pandemic. Corporations and governments increasingly borrow from foreign investors, who face more options for allocating their capital in terms of asset class, currency, and geography. A sense of “who owns what” around the world, and why, is required to understand what these trends mean for the global economy. The lecture will provide an overview of Prof. Maggiori’s research exploring key elements driving global capital allocation. The lecture will focus in particular on the role of the dollar and offshore financial centers in shaping global capital allocations.

For further information: