
Updates on tuition fees

Friday, 5 June 2020

To support students whose families suffer for economic hardships caused by COVID-19 emergency, the University:

  1. postponed and divided into new instalments the full-comprehensive contribution and the additional contributions for University programs for a.y. 2019-2020
  2. allowed to calculate again the full-comprehensive contribution basing on “ISEE corrente” (current ISEE), in other words the ISEE that pertains to the current earnings conditions.
Postponement and division into new instalments of full-comprehensive contribution and additional contributions

The postponement has the following payment deadlines:

3rd instalment full-comprehensive contribution

  • if the fee is 50,00 euro or less the deadline will be June 15th 2020
  • if the fee is more than 50,00 euro it must be paid into two equal instalments
    • 1st sub-instalment with deadline June 15th 2020
    • 2nd sub-instalment with deadline September 1st 2020 (for this instalment arrears are expected for late payments).


Programs with additional contributions

  • 2nd instalment for additional contributions for a.y. 2019-2020, if present, must be paid in two equal instalments:
    • 1st sub-instalment with deadline June 15th 2020
    • 2nd sub-instalment with deadline September 1st 2020 (for this instalment arrears are expected for late payments).
Final dissertations

Graduating students will have to pay the full amount due to take the final dissertation.

The payment forms of remaining instalments will be available by the end of May, so students close to graduation can contact the Student Desk via helpdesk to advance payment deadlines.

Use of the current ISEE (‘ISEE corrente’) to recalculate the full-comprehensive contribution

The full-comprehensive contribution due for the a.y. 2019-2020 can be recalculated according to the valid current ISEE ("ISEE corrente").

Students under the conditions provided by art. 9 del D.P.C.M. 159/2013 e s.m.ican require the current ISEE even if they didn’t require the University ISEE for a.y. 2019-2020.

In case of payment and subsequent presentation of the current ISEE, the excess amount paid will be refunded.

For further information visit the webpage Tuition fees.