
European Researchers' Night 2019

27 September 2019
European Researchers' Night 2019

On September 27th 2019 , Turin opens its doors to the European Researchers' Night, a festival that takes place simultaneously with over 200 events in other European and Italian cities.


The European Researchers' Night 2019, as in previous editions, has the shared objective of creating opportunities to meet with citizens to spread the scientific culture and knowledge of the professions in an informal and entertaining way.


Starting at 18.30 , the researchers await the public in 9 locations:

  • Museo A come Ambiente (corso Umbria, 90)
  • Mastio della Cittadella (via Cernaia, 1)
  • Museo Egizio e Accademie delle Scienze (via Accademia delle Scienze, 6)
  • Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano (piazza Carlo Alberto, 8)
  • Istituto di Anatomia Dipartimento di Neuroscienze Rita Levi-Montalcini (corso Massimo D’Azeglio, 52)
  • INRIM (corso Massimo D’Azeglio, 42)
  • Osservatorio e Planetario INFINI.TO (via Osservatorio, 30 - Pino Torinese)
  • Rettorato Università di Torino (via Verdi, 8)
  • Xkè – Il laboratorio della curiosità (via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 1)

Don't forget the appointment with the Tram of Science, starting at 7 pm, organized by the Association CentroScienza Onlus in collaboration with GTT - Gruppo Torinese Trasporti and the Torinese Historical Tram Association.


The night is organized under the patronage of the University of Turin, Turin Polytechnic, Metropolitan City and the City of Turin, in collaboration with the Compagnia di San Paolo and the Piemonte Science System.


Participation in the activities is free and open to all . Some activities have limited places and require reservations.


For the detailed program of activities: