
Conference: Women in Data Science

5 March 2019

The Data Science for Social Impact Laboratory at ISI Foundation and Fondazione CRT are organising a conference on Women in Data Science. The event will be held on Tuesday 5th March 2019 from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm at OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni (via Castel Fidardo 122, Turin).


The Stanford Women in Data Science conference is a global event for women leadership and innovation hosted at Stanford University and in 75+ additional locations worldwide.
The conference in Turin invites data science, IT and STEM students, startups, researchers and professionals to talk with our invited speakers and discuss about women in Data Science.

This half-day technical conference is an opportunity to:

  • hear about the latest data science related research in multiple domains
  • learn how women in leading-edge companies are using data science for success 
  • connect with potential mentors, collaborators, and other actors in the field of data science.


Attendance is free but registration is mandatory.