
Deep State. The hidden side of Trump's America - The relationship between federal bureaucracies and the political circuit in the US

20 December 2018
Dario Fabbri

On 20th December 2018 (3:00 pm) Dario Fabbri, editorialist of the geopolitical magazine Limes and expert on American politics, holds an intervention on "The American Deep State. And if Trump were held hostage to a hypertrophic bureaucratic power?", on the occasion of the conference "Deep State. The hidden side of America of Trump". The event takes place at the Luigi Einaudi Foundation (via Principe Amedeo 34, Turin).


The event is organized by the SSSTudenti, the association of Students of the Scuola di Studi Superiori Ferdinando Rossi (School of Advanced Studies Ferdinando Rossi) of the University of Turin, in collaboration with Altrimenti and Fondazione Einaudi.


From Donald Trump's United States to Xi Jinping's China, through Vladimir Putin's Russia, contemporary politics is increasingly dominated by single men in charge. But this narrative, now largely stereotyped, perhaps risks hiding the reality of things, mystifying the actual relations of force. According to another interpretation, in fact, the historical moment we are witnessing, rather than seeing the triumph of strong political leadership, would instead register an increasing power on the part of the bureaucratic apparatus: it is the Deep State.