
Lesson held by Mathew Ingram

10 April 2017 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm

The Master in Journalism of Turin, in collaboration with the University of Turin and Ordine dei Giornalisti del Piemonte, is organizing a Lesson with Mathew Ingram on "The Democratization of Media and the Trust Economy".

The event will take place on Monday 10th April 2017 at 5 pm at Auditorium Quazza - Palazzo Nuovo (via Sant'Ottavio 20,Torino) and not at Campus Luigi Einaudi as previously noticed.


Moderator: Anna Masera


The lesson will be held in English. Simultaneous interpretation in Italian will not be provided.


Participants are kindly requested to confirm their attendance by 3rd April 2017:

Mathew Ingram is a senior writer at Fortune magazine, where he writes about the evolution of media and the social Web. He is also one of the co-founders of an annual Toronto-based Web conference called Mesh.


For further details: