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Workshop: Impact & Innovation in Horizon 2020 - Strategies for successful exploitation of Horizon 2020 results

11 March 2016 from 8:30am to 5:00pm

The Common Strategic Task Force of the University of Turin organizes a workshop on Impact & Innovation in Horizon 2020, in the framework of the training programme “Obiettivo Horizon 2020" with the support of Compagnia di San Paolo. The event takes place on Friday 11 March 2016 at Aula Magna Palazzo del Rettorato (via Po 17, Turin).


Impact and innovation are main criteria for successful proposals in Horizon 2020 and a clear explanation of possible routes for the exploitation of project results plays a relevant role on proposal evaluation. In many topics, especially those at higher Technology Readiness Level, actual business plan related info are required. The workshop aims at informing potential applicants about the relevance of those aspects, and how to emphasize them in their proposals.