Cycle of seminars at Candiolo Cancer Institute: "Molecular Mechanisms of Tumor Progression"
The Institute for Cancer Research is organizing a cycle of seminars on "Molecular Mechanisms of Tumor Progression", for whose participation ECM credits will be assigned.
In order to participate in the seminars, please send an email to Prof. Francesca Natale: [email protected].
- Thursday, January 28th 2016 2.00 pm
Aula Cappa at Candiolo Cancer Institute, Strada Provinciale 142 km 3,95
Speaker: Prof. Patrick Mehlen
Title: The dependence receptor notion, from a cell death paradigm to therapeutic perspectives
Speaker's affiliation: CNRS-Inserm-University of Lyon - Thursday, January 28th 2016 3.00 pm
Aula Cappa at Candiolo Cancer Institute, Strada Provinciale 142 km 3,95
Speaker: Prof. Davide Melisi
Title: TAK-ing aim at Treatment Resistance in Gastrointestinal Tumors
Speaker's affiliation: University of Verona - Friday, March 25th 2016 2.00 pm
Aula Cappa at Candiolo Cancer Institute, Strada Provinciale 142 km 3,95
Speaker: Prof. Emmanuelle Charafe Jauffret
Title: Breast Cancer stem Cells targeting: a new step for intratumoral heterogeneity in the light of personalized medicine
Speaker's affiliation: Aix-Marseille Université, CRCM, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, CNRS, Marseille - Friday, October 21st 2016 2.00 pm
Aula Cappa at Candiolo Cancer Institute, Strada Provinciale 142 km 3,95
Speaker: Prof. Cedric Blanpain
Title: Mechanisms regulating tumor heterogeneity
Speaker's affiliation: IRIBHM, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
For further details: Candiolo Cancer Institute