Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 5th December 2014, 9,30 am - 1,00 pm
The workshop aims to investigate the issue of technology in relation to sustainability, to an independent factor, distinct and dominant in society, with an ethical perspective, sociological, and application of the history of ideas.
Organized with IRIS.
Turin, Ecofoyer-Casa dell’Ambiente, 21st November 2014
With more than 400 urban gardens, parks, farms, school canteens, Turin is no longer "one-company town," but a laboratory for designing new spaces and new ways of living the urban reality. A cultural movement that is spreading among many associations dealing with organic, 0 km, food cooperation, the fight against waste, and so on. Many initiatives, partly spontaneous, partly stimulated by public policies or organizations of producers and consumers, related to food and nutrition. Just think of the development of farmers' markets, the growing relationship between purchasing groups and farmers, the promotion of local products; the innovative solutions for the rationalization of short supply chains, for the recovery of surplus and, more generally, to increase the sustainability of the industry in all its phases.
Organized by Istituto per l’Ambiente e l’Educazione Scholé Futuro onlus in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management and Confartigianato Torino, Confcooperative Torino, Fondazione Contrada Torino, Fondazione Sodalitas, Fondazione Torino Smart City, IRES Piemonte, IRIS, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Movimento consumatori, SiTI, SocialFare.
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 31th October 2014, 2 pm
Salimata Wade, professor of Geography at the University of Dakar Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD), Senegal, expert of cultural and food heritage, founder of Compagnie du Bien Manger and cook.
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 30th October 2014, 4:30 pm
The book explains the methods for measuring and reducing the intensity of socio-economic use of ecosystems, with particular reference to the sustainability issues at the firm level and the urban metabolism policies
Marco Bagliani and Amon Rapp discuss with the author.
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 21st October 2014, 5:00 pm
Lectureby Juha Pentikainen, professor of Nordic ethnography at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 28th June 2014, 9.30 a.m. -1.30 p.m.
Book presentation: Knowledge and know-how on landscape. The challenge of ecological economic
Turin, Salone del Libro, May 11th 2014
Presentation of two books: “Al verde! La sfida dell'economia ecologica" by Mario Salomone (Carocci-Città della Scienza, 2014) and “Cultus Loci Cura Animi” by Dario Rei (Diffusione Immagine, 2013).
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 18th June 2014, 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Presentation of some studies on the subject of food made by graduate students in social sciences.
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 4th June 2014
The University of Turin has embarked on an initiative to achieve energy savings in buildings where teaching, research and administrative activities are carried out. The project includes structural interventions but also measures aimed at changing behavior in everyday life. The project aims to reduce by at least 10% of energy consumption within three years.
Turin, Salone del Libro, 11th May 2014
Presentation of two books: “Al verde! La sfida dell'economia ecologica" by Mario Salomone (Carocci-Città della Scienza, 2014) and “Cultus Loci Cura Animi” by Dario Rei (Diffusione Immagine, 2013).