
Portal registration instructions

Prospective students of age with Italian citizenship

Register to the Portal with SPID credentials and follow these steps:

  1. go to
  2. enter your SPID credentials
  3. Choose a password and confirm it. Make sure to take note of the password because you will need it to log in MyUniTO later. The password must:
    • be at least 8 characters long
    • contain at least one uppercase character
    • contain at least one lowercase character
    • contain at least one of the following special character !?-+*/\ : ; '"{}[]()
    • contain at least one numeric character (0-9)
    • be different from the last 5 used and not contain your name, surname or username
    • not be a word in common use.

The password must be update within 180 days (6 months).


After entering the required data, the system will automatically send a first e-mail with the registration confirmation request. In the email you will find the username that, combined with the password chosen during registration, allows you to access the computer stations in the laboratories or classrooms. With these credentials you can also access the University portal, selecting the "Login" item.

Prospective minor students, students not holding Italian citizenship, companies

To register, you must have an e-mail that is active and operates regularly. After entering the required data, the system will automatically send a first e-mail with the registration confirmation request: confirmation must be made within 1 hour, according to the modalities indicated in the e-mail. If you do not confirm within the deadlines you must perform a new registration operation.


  1. Open the registration form
  2. Enter the required data and choose “Prospective student” or “Prospective company
  3. Choose a password and confirm it. Make sure to take note of the password because you will need it to log in MyUniTO later. The password must:
    • be at least 8 characters long
    • contain at least one uppercase character
    • contain at least one lowercase character
    • contain at least one of the following special character !?-+*/\ : ; '"{}[]()
    • contain at least one numeric character (0-9)

The password must be update within 180 days (6 months).


After entering the required details, you will receive a first e-mail with the registration confirmation: to activate the account you must confirm the registration as specified in the e-mail within 1 hour. If you do not confirm it within the deadline you must register a new account.

After confirming the registration, you will receive a second email containing your username. With your username and previously set password, you can access the University's website.