Fri Mar 14 2025

Erasmus+ Programme - Teaching Staff

Within the European Union’s  Erasmus+ Programme, the University of Turin participates in the Teaching Staff Programme, an initiative dedicated to international mobility for professors and other university teaching staff.

What is the Teaching Staff Programme?

All Erasmus+ Programme activities aim to promote a “European Dimension” in every aspect of a university’s academic program.

Through the Teaching Staff Programme, Erasmus teachers play an essential role in bringing their universities closer to Europe and in bringing Europe closer to their universities. The experience of teaching abroad has an evident impact not only on teachers directly, but also on students from both the home and the host university. It may also result in a first step towards further European cooperation. Furthermore, it is also important to provide international experiences for students who cannot take part in student mobility programmes.

The Teaching Staff Programme offers the opportunity to spend up to six weeks teaching in a university abroad. The minimum teaching requirement is 8 course hours.

Who can participate in the Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Programme?

Only institutions which hold an Erasmus University Charter may send or receive an Erasmus teacher through the Teaching Staff Programme. Professors and teaching staff are usually selected by their home institution to take part in Teaching Staff activities, however in some exceptional cases the teacher’s National Erasmus+ Programme Agency may make this selection.

Teaching Staff instructors must be citizens of one of the European Union countries that participate in Erasmus+ (refugees, stateless persons and permanent residents of these countries may also be selected to participate).

Selection for participation in a Teaching Staff Programme is determined according to the priorities established by the Erasmus teacher’s National Erasmus+ Programme Agency and the following criteria:

  • the visiting teacher’s contribution will form an integral part of the receiving university’s degree programme;
  • the mobility activities will contribute to the production of new teaching material;
  • the participation of the teacher will help to strengthen relations between the sending and the receiving universities’ departments and faculties, and in a more global context, will help prepare future cooperation.
How are Teaching Staff activities funded?

Erasmus teachers usually receive a reimbursement for travel and accommodation expenses. For further information, teaching staff should refer to their home institutions or to their Erasmus+ Programme Agency. The payment of grants and the administration of the Teaching Staff Programme are undertaken by the teacher’s home university.