
Regional Innovation Scheme Professional Development: five-day workshops within the EIT Food project

Friday, 9 July 2021
Locandina del workshop

The RIS PD (Regional Innovation Scheme Professional Development) is a multidimensional educational program run by EIT Food, created to up-skill as well as to re-skill the full spectrum of food system key professions from farmers, SME’s employees and young professionals, to leaders in industry, academia and policy. The professionals are considered to be the game changers of food sector in their regions.


The main purpose of this program is to invite career progressors from the agri-food world, men and equally treated women, to turn their innovative ideas into action, to become entrepreneurs in their business and lead sustainability challenges in their geographical areas.


Fully integrated and interactive workshops are designed to provide participants with mainstream tools, best real time NPD techniques and management practices from the extended network of EIT Food partners companies and Rising Food Stars.


Not to miss the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in a computer-simulated environment and to dive into innovative farming techniques, always in the frame of the agriculture digitalization project.


Five-day workshops, from 13th to 17th September 2021, will be full of interactive lectures with up-to-date knowledge and practical information, project assignments and computer-based simulations.


Application deadline: 16th of July 2021.


For further details: