
Eraweb II project: the call for application is open

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Within Erasmus Mundus Action 2 (Strand 1 - Lot 7), the call for application for ERAWEB II project is now open.


ERAWEB II (Erasmus Mundus –Western Balkans 2) is a continuation of the ERAWEB project, a thriving international academic exchange programme, that has grown to involve six EU universities and seven Western Balkan universities, coordinated by Erasmus MC with the support from the University of Belgrade as co-coordinator. 


With its focus on research in medicine and health sciences, ERAWEB II will be offering another 175 EU funded scholarships. Students and members of the faculty will strongly benefit from this opportunity to study, teach and research abroad. 


With the duration period ranging from 1 to 36 months, ERAWEB provides scholarships for undergraduate, Master’s, doctorate and post doctorate students, and also for academic staff.  Scholarships include tuition fees (where applicable), travel costs, a subsistence allowance, and insurance. Exchanges are endorsed between the EU and partner universities in Albania, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244).

Amount of grants: 

  • 1000€/month – undergraduate, master; 
  • 1500€/month – doctorate; 
  • 1800€/month post-doctorate; 
  • 2500€/month – staff. 

Deadline for on line applications: March 20, 2016


Start of the mobility flows: September 2016 


More details: ERAWEB