CRUI condemns all forms of war

At the assembly meeting on 19th October 2023, CRUI rectors (Conference of Italian University Rectors) shared the initiatives that individual universities have decided to launch in response of the outbreak of conflict in the Middle East.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the CRUI member universities, in the face of the current tragic escalation of clashes, feel the duty to send a warm message of reassurance and closeness to students from war zones present in Italian universities as well as sincere and heartfelt solidarity to all students, faculty colleagues and staff involved in crisis areas.
Furthermore, the universities emphasize their role as places of encounter and dialogue among cultures, as well as hubs for the development of critical and rational thinking, which are essential tools for any peace-building efforts, both in the Middle East and in the numerous, unfortunately, places where the tragedy of war is unfolding.
In order to give substance to this idea, the CRUI and universities will display a mourning peace flag on their sites on 27th October 2023. In addition, throughout November they will observe a minute of silence for the victims of all conflicts at the beginning of academic meetings.