
Career plan: online submission within 29th January 2016

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The deadline to fill in online the career plan is Friday 29th January 2016. Career plan allows students to choose the teaching acitvities and sit the relating exams.

In order to fill your career plan in, please login on the University portal and follow the instructions as indicated in the specified handbook (Italian version).

For further details please see: Piano carriera (Italian version)

Next deadlines

Tuitions fees: from 1st February to 15th March 2016 students who want to benefit from the fee reductions can submit the self-certification to be inserted into contribution brackets, by paying a fine of 100 euro. Students who do not submit the self-certification within the 15th March 2016, are required to pay the whole amount.

To submit the self-certification please follow modalities available at Fee reductions webpage.