Call for Nominations: 2020 Agilent Early Career Professor Award
Agilent selects one professor each year to receive the "Early Career Professor Award".
The winner will receive:
- an unrestricted research award of $100,000 to the university in the professor's name
- engraved plaque commemorating award
- recognition on Agilent's external website.
The topic of the 2020 award is “Contributions to the development of breakthrough live cell analysis technologies for measuring cellular responses to chemical/pharmaceutical treatments and genetic manipulations, including those that could advance cell-based therapies”.
The purpose of the Agilent Early Career Professor Award is to:
- promote and encourage excellent research enabling measurements of importance to Agilent Technologies and the world
- establish strong collaborative relationships between Agilent researchers and leading professors early in their career
- build the prominence of Agilent as a sponsor of university research.
The 2020 winner will be selected based on the following selection criteria:
- significant original research contributions enabling measurements of importance to Agilent Technologies and the world
- outstanding potential for future research
- professor completed Ph.D. (residency in case of M.D.'s or M.D.- Ph.D.'s) not earlier than January 2010.
- alignment with the defined award focus for 2020
To be eligible for this award the nominee should be on his path toward full professor at University of Turin.
Deadline: 28th February 2020