Application for international students: new call dedicated to European applicants and non-European applicants legally residing in Italy
If you have a qualification issued by a non-Italian High School or University and you wish to apply for an undergraduate, postgraduate, 5-year or 6-year degree program, the online application procedure Apply@Unito is mandatory. Applications are received during the following periods:
- applications for postgraduate degree programs are received from 15th May to 16th June 2019
- applications for undergraduate or 5/6 year postgraduate degrees are received from 1st June to 1st August 2019
Applicants will receive a feedback after 2 months from the end of the specific call.
The call dedicated to Non-European applicants not legally residing in Italy opened on 14th January and closed on 14th April 2019. If you are a Non-European applicant not legally residing in Italy and you did not submit your application by 14th of April, no other calls for the a.y. 2019-2020 will be available.
In the related page you can find an overview of the application process with specific information about every step along the way. Please read carefully the information regarding which documents are required and deadlines, and follow the instructions given: