

Book Presentation

Energy issues and social sciences: theories and applications (McGraw-Hill, 2012)
Palazzo Venturi, Turin, March 25th, 2013 

Sergio Scamuzzi, sociologist – Department Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin;
Fiorenzo Martini, economist - University of Turin;
Mauro Bonaiuti, economist – University of Turin;
Dario Padovan, sociologist - Department Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin;
With the presence of the editor Alfredo Agustoni and Mara Maretti.


From cities to communities. Environmental ethics in dialogue with the city and the territory
Sala Polivalente “Mario Operti”, Turin, May 25th 2013
Organized by Ufficio Pastorale Sociale e del Lavoro della Diocesi di Torino and Centro di Etica Ambientale di Bergamo, in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management.

International Workshop

Food security and climate change. Exploring and planning mediterranean sustainability
Marrakech, Morocco, June 9th , 2013 

The workshop aims to bring together the state-of-the-art research and thinking in the areas of food security and climate change, providing insights that may contribute to a better understanding of these questions and to more effective actions and policies. It intends to provide an opportunity for the UNESCO Chairs of the Mediterranean Basin, operating in fields related to environmental sustainability and sustainable development, to connect , collaborate and confront.
Organized in collaboration with: Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection , UNESCO Chair on Water, Women and Decision-making of Al Akhawayn University, WEEC Permanent Secretariat and Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM)
The workshop is hosted during the Seventh World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC 2013).


Istanbul, Turkey, 12th–13th June 2013
The 1st SEE Forum was co-organized by the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture (Venice, Italy).
The objective of this forum was to identify and outline a shared regional roadmap and common vision of the role of UNESCO Chairs in the SEE area.

Mediterranean Youth Camp of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
ATLANTIS IX. Saving water. Saving lives
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 30th June-7th July 2013
The Centre for Cooperation in the Mediterranean (CCM) together with the Red Cross Society of Bosnia‐Herzegovina will organize the 9th edition of the Atlantis Youth Camp.The Atlantis Youth Camp has consolidated itself as a referential meeting point to bring young volunteers together from across the region and to empower them to promote human rights, cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, and to counteract stereotypes and discrimination. Aiming to be a melting‐pot for cross cultural exchange and dialogue, a valuable opportunity to share experiences beyond the borders, the overall objective of the Camp is to use intercultural dialogue as a tool to build young volunteers’ capacities as agents for positive change within multicultural societies.
The Unesco Chair is in charge of running the section on Human Rights and the Environment. 


Science of sustainability: recompose environment, economy and society 
Presentation of “Accademia della Scienza della Sostenibilità” 
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 24 October 2013, 14.30-18
The Academy of Science of Sustainability aims to institutionalize the SS in the Italian academic and scientific system: based on transdisciplinarity, the co-production of knowledge and innovative teaching methods that become a share practice within the academic institution and research centers. 


Bottom up strategies for indoor thermal comfort and energy saving 
Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi, 15th November 2013, 9.00-11.00
Three projects that deal with energy saving and thermal comfort are compared to outline possible bottom up strategies:Polilight III project: Innovative inner insulationAfter project: Cost Optimum and Standard Solution for Maintenance and Management of the Social Housing StockDIMMER project: District Information Modeling and management for Energy Reduction.


Designing future landscapes: education, planning, management
Turin, Oval, 23rd November 2013, 14.30-18
Organized for the UNESCO Week of Education for Sustainable Development 2013 (DESS) in collaboration with AIAPP (Italian Association of Landscape Architects of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta) and Ecofoyer Casa dell'ambiente e del territorio.


Social Practics Theory: new approach to study consumption
Campus Luigi Einaudi, Turin, 4th December 2013, 16.00-18.00
The seminar will be held by Francoise Bartiaux, Université Catholique de Louvain, Institute for the Analysis of Change in Contemporary and Historical Societies.
Since the landmark publication of A. Warde (2005), social practice theories form a theoretical framework that is more and more used in empirical consumption studies. This theoretical framework will be presented with its latest developments. These theories have been operationalized in various ways, either qualitative (most often) or quantitative. Several empirical studies will be also summarized. 

Project Workshop

Models for environmental assessment of household consumption
Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, 5th December 2013
Sociology of consumption needs tools for the evaluation of the environmental sustainability of the way people produce and consume. Several consumption patterns (or more generally lifestyles) are claimed to be sustainable but evaluation of different social scenarios from an environmental point of view is quite difficult to achieve and suitable tools are required.Themed workshop of the project “Green Economy Scenarios in the Mediterranean Region” (GERME)
Organized by Collegio Carlo Alberto in collaboration with University of Torino and UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management.