Science Communication Society – SCS, National School for PhD candidates on “Science and Democracy”
Bardonecchia, Villaggio Olimpico, December 9 th -14 th 2012
A week of intensive training on the complex relationship between science and democracy, with particular attention to research topics that bring into play the role of that relationship and communication.
Organized by Agorà Scienza, University of Turin, Politecnico of Turin, Amedeo Avogadro Univesity, in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management
Initiative founded with contributions from Compagnia di San Paolo
Eco&Eco. Scenarios and prospects of the Green Economy after Rio +20. Innovation and sustainability in socio economic system in Turin. Perspectives, needs, best practices
Turin, Sala lauree Scienze Politiche, December 4th 2012
The change is expected today after the Rio Conference, is profound. We need new skills and this will require appropriate policies. The social and technological innovation can be the incentive to renew, at least in part, the economic system starting from a more sustainable approach.
Organized by Istituto per l’Ambiente e l’Educazione Scholé Futuro onlus in collaboration with UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Development and Territory Management and Agroinnova,Centro Studi Sereno Regis, Cinemambiente, Confartigianato Torino, Confcooperative Torino, Environment Park, Fondazione Sodalitas, Global Compact Italia Network, IRES Piemonte, IRIS, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, SiTI – Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione, Social Club.
Initiative funded with contributions from Camera di Commercio di Torino.
Under the patronage of: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Economic Development, Regione Piemonte, Città di Torino and Fondazione Torino Smart City.
During the meeting Eco&Eco 2012 has been awarded the Turin Smart City Prize
Resilient societies. How to survive climate change and the environmental crisis
December 4th 2012, Department Culture Politics and Society, Turin
Luca Mercalli, meteorologis, Osservatorio Meteorologico del Collegio Carlo Alberto;
Mauro Bonaiuti, economist, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia;
Jean Claude Leveque, philosopher, University of Madrid;
Introduce Dario Padovan, University of Turin
Knowledge and Policies for the Mediterranean Environmental Transition and climate change effects mitigation
Circolo dei Lettori, Turin, June 2nd 2012
International workshop on knowledge and policies for health security, climate change effects mitigation and the Mediterranean environmental transition. Presentations by leading experts and discussions were dedicated to the analysis of the event topics within a wide-ranging perspective. Two separate sessions focused on Food Safety, Food Security, and environmental sustainability: the case of the Mediterranean Diet and Food Security, Environmental Migrations and Urban Sustainability
Organized in conjunction with: Università di Torino, Dipartimento Cultura Politica e Società, Centro Universitario Agorà Scienza, Fondazione Smart City della Città di Torino.
With the patronage of: PAM – Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean.