Seminar "Energy efficiency cooperation between America and China"
The seminar "Energy efficiency cooperation between America and China" will be held on Thursday 23rd February 2017 at aula 37 of Palazzo Nuovo (via Sant'Otavio 20, Torino).
Introducing: Dario Padovan
Relator: Winston Gilcrease (Columbia University)
China has surpassed the U.S. as the world’s largest energy consumer and emitter of greenhouse gas emissions. Energy demand in China continues to grow as a result of rapid urbanization and a fast-growing economy. Fossil fuels are still the leading sources of China’s electricity generation despite its increasing use of renewable energy. There needs to be significant intervention to protect human health and the global environment. Just in the past few years China and the U.S., the two countries that account for 38% of global carbon emissions, have set ambitious goals to cooperate on low carbon development. Multiple bilateral agreements have been signed to achieve these goals. To solve the climate and energy nexus,
both countries must work closely together. Energy efficiency and other low carbon technologies are key to the way forward. With today’s vulnerable political climate, bilateral cooperation between China and the U.S. is more imperative
than ever before.
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