Mind&Brain Prize - 2016 edition: award ceremony
The award ceremony of Mind&Brain Prize - 2016 edition will take place on 19th October 2016 - 3.00 pm in Turin (Aula Magna del Rettorato - University of Turin, Via Verdi 8).
The winners of this edition are:
- Antonio Damasio, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. For his fundamental theoretical and empirical investigations of brain processes underlying emotions, feelings, decision-making and consciousness, and for his groundbreaking contributions to the modern discussion of the mind/body problem. M&BP (Mind&Brain Prize)
- Essi Viding, University College London. For her work tracing the neurobiological origins of antisocial behaviour by identifying a subgroup of children whose callous-unemotional traits are under substantial genetic influence and show structural and functional abnormalities in brain areas concerned with emotion regulation. YM&BP (Young Mind&Brain Prize).
Due to other personal commitments, Prof. Antonio Damasio will not attend the ceremony.
For further details about the present and the past editions of the Prize: